
Our Commitment to Sustainability

At MKS Plastics, we are committed to sustainability and reducing our eco-footprint. We understand the importance of responsible packaging solutions, which is why we offer high-quality plastic containers that are not only durable but also environmentally conscious.

Upon request, our plastics pails can be made from a percentage of Post Industrial Recycled materials which allows them to be reused or repurposed after use. By choosing our products, you are actively contributing to a circular economy and minimizing the impact on our planet.

In addition, our plastic pails are designed to be lightweight, which helps reduce transportation emissions and energy consumption during shipment. This ensures that our products are not only practical but also environmentally friendly.

We believe in continuously improving our practices and partnering with suppliers who share our commitment to sustainability.  By implementing efficient manufacturing processes, responsible waste management, and eco-friendly materials, we strive to minimize our ecological impact throughout the entire product lifecycle.

Join us in making a difference by choosing our plastic pails for your packaging needs. Together, let's work towards a more sustainable future.

Dow’s 5 pillars Of Sustainability

Plastic Sustainability

1. Design For Recyclability

Comprehensive portfolio of efforts targeted to widen the applications for mono-material packaging.

Technical achievements include:

  • Wider operating window
  • Barrier incorporation
  • Shelf appeal
  • Efficiency at all stages of production
  • Support from lamination adhesives 
2. Mechanical Recycling

REVOLOOP™ product line containing up-to 70% PCR for use in secondary packaging applications.

Market and application development for recycled materials. Primary materials boosting performance in applications containing PCR

3. Renewable Feedstock

Bio-based products that address increasing demand for renewable plastics that reduce carbon footprint without compromising performance.

4. Carbon

Carbon Netrality by 2050:

  • 15% reduction achieved 2005-2020
  • Additional 15% percent target 2020-2030

Net Zero Cracker construction in Scope 1 and 2 announced in 2021

5. Advanced Recycling

Cooperation and investments in virgin quality, recycled content containing, food contact approved solutions.

Multi-generation plan consisting of partnerships and in-house technology advantaged solutions

Extensive Innovation Portfolio